




Isabella Camera d'Afflitto

prof. Isabella Camera d’Afflitto
Full professor of  Arabic Modern Literature (L-OR/12 )

Department “Istituto Italiano di Studi Orientali, ISO - Sapienza Università di Roma - Circonvallazione Tiburtina, 4 00185 Roma



  • President of Euramal (European Association for Modern Arabic Literature) (2012-2014).
  • President of the International Jury of the “Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture” UNESCO (2012).
  • Member of the International Jury of the “Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture” UNESCO (2004-2012).
  • Member of the Administrative Board of the “Istituto per l’Oriente C.A. Nallino”, Rome (2009-2012)
  • Member of the International Jury of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF - Booker Prize) (2011).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee “Fondamenta” - Venice (2002-2005).
  • Member of the Italian Ministry of Culture’s Jury for the “National Translation Prize”  (1996-2004)
  • Member of the Commission for the “Euro-Arab Dialog”, UNIMED (2003-2004).
  • Member of the European programme “Mémoires de la Méditerranée”, European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam (1994-2001).
  • Consultant for the City Council of Rome for the "Progetto Biblioteche Multiculturali" (Multicultural Libraries Project) (1993-2000)
  • Coordinator of the National Jury for Translation, Ministry of Culture. Italy (1997)
  • Coordinator of the Programme “Mémoires de la Méditerranée”, European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam (1996).


  • Award (Takrim) for Translation- Sharjah 2008.
  • Grinzane Cavour Prize for Translation, 2006. 
  • Literary Award for Translation - Supreme Council of Culture, Cairo 2006.
  • S. Girolamo Prize” for Translation - AITI – (Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti), XVII edition, 1995.
  • Calabria Prize1989.


  • Member of the Doctorate Committee on “Civilization, culture and societies of Asia and Africa” of Sapienza University of Roma – Italy. (2010-2011)
  • Member of the Doctorate Committee on “Geopolitics and Mediterranean Cultures”, University of Naples Federico II (2005-2010)
  • Member of the Doctorate Committee for post-graduate research students “Doctorado Estudis Culturals Mediterranis", European Projects-GIEM Facultat de Lletres. Universitat Rovira i Virgili Tarragona (Spain) (2003-2010)
  • Member of the Doctorate Committee on “Historical, Legal and Architectural Culture of the Mediterranean Area”, (La cultura storico-giuridica ed architettonica in età moderna e contemporanea nell'area mediterranea)  University of  Naples Federico II (2002-2005)
  • Member of the Doctorate Committee for post-graduate research students on “Near East and the Maghreb Studies”, Oriental Institute of Naples (1994-2005)


  • 2005-2012 - Full professor at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Sapienza University of Rome.
  • 2000-2005 - Full professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the Oriental Institute of Naples.
  • 1993-2000 - Associate professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the Oriental Institute of Naples.
  • 1989-20003 - Associate professor at the School of Islamic Studies of the Oriental Institute of Naples
  • Researcher at the School of Islamic Studies of the Oriental Institute of Naples (1985-1988);
  • Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science, Perugia University (1982-1885);
  • Teacher of Arabic Language at the Oriental Institute of Rome – IPO  (1978-80)

She has lectured at a number of European and Arab Universities and she took active part in different meetings about Arabic contemporary literature in European and Arabic universities and institutions.
Inalco (Paris); Université de Paris III; Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris; Université de Lyon 2; Université d’Aix-en-Provence; University of Oxford; SOAS University of London; Université de Génève; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; Escuela de Traductores de Toledo; Universitat de les Illes Balears; Universitat Rovira i Virgili di Tarragona; Université de Beirut; Lebanese American University; Université d’Alger;  Université d’Annaba; ‘Ayn Shams University, Cairo; Helwan University; SupremeCouncil of Culture in Cairo; Damascus University; Aleppo University; TheUniversity of Jordan; King Saud University, Riad; King Abdulaziz University, Gedda; University of  Garyounis, Benghasi; Université Mohammed V, Rabat; University of Sanaa; St. Petersburg State University  e presso diverse altre istituzioni culturali in Kuweit, Doha, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah.
in Italy:
Sapienza Università di Roma; Università di Roma 2 (Tor Vergata); Facoltà di Scienze Politiche (Università di Milano); Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli; Università di Napoli Federico II; Seconda Università di Napoli; Istituto di Studi Filosofici (Napoli); Facoltà di Lingue (Università di Catania); Facoltà di Lingue (Università di Bari); Facoltà di Lingue (Università di Lecce); Facoltà di Lettere (Università di Cagliari); Facoltà di Lingue (Università di Pescara); Facoltà di Scienze Politiche (Università di Perugia); Facoltà di Lingue (Università di Sassari); Università di Trieste.


  • From 2011 editor in chief of the Journal on line “La rivista di Arablit”, published by Istituto per l’Oriente C.A. Nallino, Rome.
  • From 2010 member of the Consulting Editors of the journal “Karmel”, Studies in Arabic Language and Literature, University of Hayfa.
  • From 2010 member of the Scientific Board of the review “Arabiques, Cahiers Electroniques de la Recherche Arabisante”, Université de Rennes 2.
  • Member of the editorial and scientific committee of the journal Oriente Moderno (Rome, Istituto per l’Oriente C.A. Nallino).

She has specialized in contemporary Arabic literature and has worked with a number of Italian publishing houses to promote Arabic culture in Italy:

  • 1992-2010 Editor in chief of the Contemporary Arab Writers series (“Scrittori Arabi Contemporanei ") of the Jouvence publishing house which has so far published 40 novels by outstanding contemporary Arab authors.
  • 1991-2011 supervisor of the Arabic section of the collection “l’Altra Riva” of Edizioni Lavoro, Rome.
  • 2003-2012 supervisor of the Arabic section of the collection “Ilisso contemporanei” of Ilisso Publisher, Nuoro.
  • 1996 - 2001 supervisor of the collection “Memorie del Mediterraneo”  of the publishers Jouvence and Edizioni Lavoro.

She has collaborated for the diffusion of Arabic culture in Italy with many other publishing houses:
She has collaborated with the Italian Ministry of Culture for the diffusion of Arabic Culture in Italy, editing books as: (2 volumi - 1997) and  Italia-Egitto, Un secolo di letteratura (2009) [see publications].
She has written the entries on Arab Authors for the Italian Encyclopaedias: Treccani, Utet e De Agostini e Bompiani.
She has been member of the Committee Board of the journals “Linea d’Ombra” and “Rive”.
She has written about Arabic culture for the Italian press such as: Avvenimenti, Effe, Diario, il manifesto, Il Mattino, Il Messaggero, Il Segnalibro, Il sole 24 ore, Legendaria, l’Unità; Mappamondo, Meridiani, Millelibri, Nigrizia, Paese Sera, Reset, Rinascita, Rivisteria, Tuttestorie.
She has collaborated in the production of Television Programs promoted by Rai, Rai Sat, Sky and other private channels.
She has promoted many meetings on Contemporary Arabic Culture of the Torino book Fair, the Book Fair of Naples (Galassia Gutenberg); The book fair for small and middle publishers in Rome, The Mediterranean Fair in Palermo, Festival of the Literature in Lucera, The Dialogs in Trani e for many Italian institutions, schools, libraries and bookshop.
She has organized many international conferences on Arab Culture as a scientific director, amongst others:



  • Letteratura araba contemporanea dalla nahdah a oggi – Nuova Edizione, Roma, Carocci, 2007 (III ed. 2010), pp. 389.
  • Cento anni di cultura palestinese, Roma, Carocci, 2007 (II ed. 2008), pp. 262.
  • Lo Yemen raccontato dalle scrittrici e dagli scrittori (a cura di), Roma Orientalia Editrice, 2010, pp.  256.
  • Letteratura araba contemporanea - dalla Nahdah a oggi, Roma, Carocci, 1998, pp. 359.  
  • Scrittori Arabi del Novecento, (Antologia di 65 racconti di autori arabi contemporanei), 2 voll., Milano, Tascabili Bompiani, 2002 (I edizione con il titolo Narratori Arabi del Novecento, Milano, 1994) pp. 657.
  • The Arabic Literatures of the Maghreb: Recovery of Tradition or Response to Cultural Hegemony?, (a cura di) “Oriente Moderno” (XVII, 2-3, 1997), pp. 352.
  • La presenza arabo-islamica nell’editoria italiana, (a cura di), Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Divisione Editoria, Roma, Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 2000, pp. 378.

Scientific articles (a selection):

  • La narrative féminine en Yemen : Nâdia al-Kawkabânî, nouvelliste et romancière, “Littératures narratives du Yémen et d’Arabie aujourd’hui”, Le Cermon (Inalco) et l’Ecla (Ens) (in corso di stampa).
  • Storia di un incontro e de Le mille e una notte rivisitate, in L’Oriente di un umanista.Omaggio a Francesco Gabrieli a dieci anni dalla scomparsa, a cura di S. Pagani e M. Ruocco, Roma, Aracne, 2012, pp. 91-98.
  • Il rapporto tra religione e letteratura in alcune autobiografie di donne arabe, in Il Libro e la bilancia. Scritti in memoria di Francesco Castro, a cura di M. Papa, G. Pccinelli, D. Scolart, Roma, Edizioni Scientifiche italiane, 2011, pp. 103-110.
  • Deux écrivains Yémenites devant l’impasse de la modernité: Wajdi al-Ahdal et Samir ‘Abd al-Fattah, In  From the new Values to New Aesthetics, Turning Point in Modern Arabic Literature, 2, Postmodernism and Thereafter, edited by S. Guth and G. Ramsay, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2011, p. 57-64.
  • Il movimento femminista in Egitto, in AA. VV., Archivi di famiglia e storia di genere tra età moderna e contemporanea - Quaderni del Dottorato Storia d’Europa. Roma, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2010, pp. 53-61.
  • La narrativa yemenita tra rivendicazione politico-sociali e avanguardia letteraria. in: Lo Yemen raccontato dalle scrittrici e dagli scrittori,  a cura di I. Camera d'Afflitto I., Roma, Editrice Orientalia, 2010, p. 11-22.
  • Poesia araba e movimento futurista: possibilità di un incontro?, in “Marinetti l’alessandrino”, Il veltro, 3-4, anno LIII, maggio-agosto 2009, pp. 107-113.
  • al-Madīnah al-itāliyyah fī’l-riwāyyah al-‘arabiyyah (La città italiana nel romanzo arabo), in al-Riwāyyah wa’l-madīnah, al-Qāhira, al-Mağlīs al-A‘là li’l-Thaqāfah, 2008, pp. 279-285.
  • Dawr al-riwāyyah al-ta’rīkhiyyah al-‘arabiyyah fī’l-gharb (Il ruolo del romanzo arabo storico in Occidente), in al-Riwāyyah wa’l-ta’rīkh, Il Cairo, al-Qāhira, al-Mağlīs al-A‘là li’l-Thaqāfah, 2008, pp. 149-154.
  • Introduzione e cura a Rose d’Arabia - Racconti di donne saudite, (a cura di), Roma, E/O, 2001, pp. 5-23.
  • L’espace Kâbûs,  in “La poétique de l’espace dans la littérature arabe moderne”, Paris, Presse Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2002, pp. 121-130.

She has translated from Arabic many novels and short stories:

Please find the complete list of all the academic publications and translations:

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